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snow and ice removal addendum

How To Add A Snow And Ice Removal Addendum Form (Free Form)

Managing rental properties year-round is going to bring you in contact with the seasons, time and time again. In the summer, you might find yourself needing to fix the AC or call in a bee specialist to clear your property of dangerous insects. In spring, drainage can be a big issue as the rain rolls…Read More

waterbed addendum

How To Use A Waterbed Addendum (Sample Form For Landlords)

When it comes to the furniture that your tenants bring with them or add to your rental property, you probably aren’t too concerned. Every piece might not fit your style or taste, but they are the ones living there after all! One piece of furniture that you should be concerned about if a tenant decides…Read More

Garage Rental Addendum

Addendum To Lease: Garage Rental Addition (Free Template)

The intricacies of renting out your property to a tenant are covered in their lease agreement. What do you do when a tenant wants to add on a garage or parking spot space and that rental isn’t covered within your lease terms? Thankfully, it’s very easy to add a garage rental addendum to any existing…Read More

swimming pool addendum

How To Write A Swimming Pool Lease Addendum (Landlord Guide)

Renting out a property with pool perks can be easier than renting out similar properties without that kind of luxury amenity. Depending on where you are located, having access to a pool might be a large part of the reason why tenants choose your property over someone else’s. With pool power, however, comes pool responsibility!…Read More

satellite or cable tv addendum

How To Write A Satellite Or Cable TV Addendum (Sample Form)

Sometimes, landlords let their lack-luster leases get the better of them. Without having certain things clarified in writing between themselves and their tenants, simple disagreements can become big problems all because of miscommunication. As you get more landlord experience, those are the situations you’ll learn to avoid. To deal with this situation and protect your…Read More

Condition of Premises Addendum

What You Should Know About Condition of Premises Addendums

There are a lot of things to keep track of when you finish choosing a tenant and they’re getting ready to move into the property. Among other things, you need to be sure that you do a thorough check of the property with the tenant when they are moving in to ensure that you are…Read More

Co-Signer Addendum

How To Use A Co-signer Agreement (And Why Landlords Use Them)

Not every potential renter has the financial record that you had hoped they would have. Sometimes, great people don’t have a strong enough monetary background to make you feel confident in renting to them. Does this mean that you have to turn them away? The decision to rent to them or not is ultimately up…Read More

What is a Partial Payment Agreement?

What Is A Partial Payment Agreement? Sample For Landlords

Every landlord has heard this statement before: “Never accept partial payments, or you won’t be able to get your property back or any money in court if you need to evict the tenant.” While this is a widely held belief, is it true that you can never accept partial payments? The truth is more like…Read More

quiet enjoyment

Intro To A Quiet Enjoyment Clause (And How It Can Help You)

Renting out one of your properties means that you are giving someone else the right to use that property in specific ways. Once the lease is signed, you can no longer come and go at will, and the tenant gains some type of control over the management of the property. Of course, this doesn’t mean…Read More

mn crp form

How To Write & File A Certificate of Rent Paid in Minnesota

As a landlord, you already know that every state has a particular set of rules that must be followed when it comes to renting out properties. Laws for tenant-landlord relationships and property management businesses are primarily set on the state level, so it is up to you to be familiar with the particulars of your…Read More