If you’re a landlord or property manager, chances are you spend far too much time at work. Whether you’re busy scheduling showings, organizing leasing documents, or screening applicants, it’s a lot for just one person to handle. I was in that exact position earlier this year and that’s why I wanted to share with you my QuickLease Pro review!
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My work life started to change dramatically after I found QuickLease Pro so much so that I wanted to share it with the world. If you want to free up some time to do what you enjoy and spend less time performing mundane, time-consuming tasks at your desk, be sure to keep on reading.
I’ll tell you all about what QuickLease Pro is, where it started from, what amazing functions it has, and why you might want to choose it over other software on the market. I hope after reading this you’ll be able to implement QuickLease Pro into your life for a much easier work experience!
Let’s start off by talking about what exactly QuickLease Pro is!
A Table Of Contents For QuickLease Pro Review
What Is QuickLease Pro?
QuickLease Pro is free software that allows you to create documents to use for any properties you manage. It doesn’t matter if you manage a mobile home lot, student housing, apartments, commercial property, or even your own basement, you can easily use QuickLease Pro.
What I liked most about QuickLease Pro is how much time it saved me, but we’ll talk more about that later too. Let’s talk a bit about the functions that it can do and what sets this software apart from others like it on the market.
What Can QuickLease Pro Do For You?
Overall, I would describe this software as an organization software. It helps keep your paperwork and important documents all in one place. You can easily create, edit, and delete documents and share them with important people such as agents.
I wanted to share with you some of my favorite features that QuickLease Pro has. There are many software programs out there like it, but none that are free with the amazing features that you’re going to read about below. Let’s start off by talking about one of the most important features: security.
When you open an account with QuickLease Pro, you’ll be met with a handful of security questions. These questions are unique from other software security questions as they offer two blanks.
For example, you may be met with the security question option: “What is your favorite _____?”
This gives it an extra layer of security since you not only finish the question, but you answer it as well. You could have the security question be: “What is your favorite movie?” and then answer accordingly. You can add up to three customized security questions!
This allows the software to make sure that it’s you who is accessing the account, especially when you’re trying to log in from a different device or browser than you normally do. A lot of the time people store sensitive information within software, such as bank account information or important documents about tenants.
I enjoyed knowing that my account on QuickLease Pro was secure and I didn’t feel like my information was at risk. This is unique to QuickLease Pro and I honestly haven’t found software that has security measures quite like it!
Anyone who is a traditional user has access to the QuickLease Pro software. They have a unique username and password, along with a profile of information you can have filled in. In their profile you’ll be able to control if they see a prompt when they log in or you can even lock someone out of the system if they no longer work for you.
QuickLease Pro gives you the option of letting the user know why they’re locked out or you can keep it private if you’d like and their log in attempts will fail. You also have the ability to give users permissions. Whether those are administrative permissions with full access to the software or more limited permissions, you get to pick and choose for each user.
My favorite thing about the users feature is the ability to give them access to properties. You can assign them the main property they look over, and if another landlord goes on vacation, you can temporarily assign a different landlord their property. The property will show the address, the name of the building, photos, and more.
The pages for users and agents look very similar but there are a couple main differences. When someone is applying for a property or unit, they’ll have the option to fill out who the showing agent is. If you’ve established someone as an agent, they’re name will pop up when an applicant begins typing in that field.
This is a feature that is optional and is by no means necessary, but I found it quite convenient when it came time to schedule showings. The other main difference between an agent user and a regular user is that agent users can be given access to the QuickLease Pro software. This can come in handy if they need to view applications or look over background checks.
Again, this function is optional, but can save you time down the road from having to find those documents and send them to the leasing agent. If you choose not to give agents this function, the only thing that will happen is that their name will pop up in the showing agent field during the application process.
The main purpose of QuickLease Pro is being able to create lease documents, addendums, and any other documents you may need for your property. This is an absolute must if you have several units or multiple properties that have different rent prices or leasing guidelines.
You’ll be able to easily sort out and keep track of each property you have and the documents needed, such as lease agreements, pet deposit information, property rules for tenants, HOA (Homeowners’ Association) information, and more.
This is all done digitally through QuickLease Pro. Your documents will be stored and organized in a way that’s easy to find in times of need. You don’t have to worry about writing anything extra or typing in specific information, as the software gives you prompts and options to choose from.
If you already have a Word document that has a property document you’d like to add to the software, you can easily copy and paste it right in! If not, you’re able to easily type up a document within the software itself.
This system allows you to not only provide an online application that tenants can read through and fill out, but once they’ve applied, you can easily track the progress of their application! You have the option to assign specific users to applications or documents, which can come in handy if you have multiple landlords.
You’ll be able to create a document that will appear before an applicant applies that states any information you may find important. You’re also able to use this feature to prompt things like an application fee or what rules or guidelines you may have for the property.
QuickLease Pro gives you the option to use one of the generic application templates on the software, or you can create a unique one of your own if necessary. You can name applications whatever you’d like to make it easier for organizing or finding specific property applications.
When an application is sent in, you can make it so the application is sent directly to your email address if you like to stay notified as soon as a new application comes in. If not, you can choose a different email address to get notified as to when an application is started, finished, or when background checks are ordered or completed.
Just about every landlord or property owner would agree that having an empty unit is a really easy way to lose out on income. This is why it can be crucial to stay informed about the application process. You want proper applicants to have a smooth and quick process, so they can move in as quickly as possible.
Tenant Screening
One of my favorite features of QuickLease Pro is that you can pull up background checks on potential renters. You can view the background check to see if the applicant is right for your property. It’s important to make sure your property has individuals with clean backgrounds to ensure everyone stays as safe as possible.
Form Preset
Form presets are where you add in questions you want applicants to answer. You can use this feature to let potential renters know how long the application may take as well. Form presets also will give you the opportunity to let users manually enter applications into the software.
The library within QuickLease Pro is where you can find lease and addendum templates. You can also upload a PDF document if you already have lease agreements pre-made that you’re looking to transfer into the software.
Most landlords have a main lease agreement that is used for every single applicant. In addition to that, they have individual addendums that can be used for specific situations like if one property allows pets, while your other properties do not.
You can make combos for each applicant that include a mixture of the main lease agreement, along with any addendums that may be needed.
Another amazing feature of QuickLease Pro are the tags. There are a list of tags the software has that can be edited, added to, or deleted from. Tags are used to fill in the blanks of documents. This is one of the biggest time-saving features that QuickLease Pro has that I found useful.
Instead of filling out each document completely, you can easily select which tags you need and it will fill in the document for you. How convenient is that? You’ll be able to see who the co-applicants are, spouses, and more!
All you need to do is click and drag the tag into the place you need it on the document. You can use a tag to replace a word throughout an entire document too, which can come in handy for things like names and addresses. It makes the entire process a lot quicker than filling in all of the information yourself.
Adding Properties
One feature that really keeps things organized has to do with properties. You’re able to easily add properties by filling out their name, address(es), and even adding a photo. There will also be the option to sort out which type of property it is, if there are any availabilities, and more.
This is a section where you can attach which documents go with each property you have. Another thing you can do is choose and add in floor plans with the square footage to each property. This can come in handy for those who have apartments that have several different layouts, depending on the unit.
Using this feature allows applicants to see which floor plans are available and which one they’d like to apply for. This is also a time saver when it comes to showings, as you’ll already know which specific unit they’re looking into renting.
Why Choose QuickLease Pro?
I have to say, one of the main reasons I love this software so much is because it’s free. As landlords and property owners, we all know that everything comes at a price and that having a budget is absolutely crucial. That’s why I’m really happy this software has amazing features for free that some software companies charge an arm and a leg for!
With that being said, I also enjoy QuickLease Pro over the other options available because it has everything I need in one place. I can add users, create rental lease agreements, and easily give permission to agents.
This software is easy to use, even for those who aren’t familiar with technology. If you don’t like it, you won’t lose money like you would with other popular software options. Terci Wagner of Pentalon Corp has said that QuickLease Pro has literally cut the company’s workload in half. If that’s not doesn’t make you want to download it immediately, I don’t know what will!
Quick Note
When you first set up your account, you go to the admin section found on the top of the screen and fill out all the important information you have. This can be things like rent prices, different property addresses, landlord names, contact information, and more.
This makes it easy when it comes time to create a new lease agreement, as the information will fill itself in! Compared to many other software programs like QuickLease Pro, it’s much easier to learn how to use!
Final Words
QuickLease Pro is amazing free software for anyone who rents out property. Whether you just rent out your basement to a friend or you have 10,000 units under your belt, you’ll be able to not only save time by using it but all of your documents will also be much more organized.
I liked knowing that everything is easy to find when I needed it to be and I loved that I could keep track of the status of applications. This software has been something I’ve used daily since downloading it and I really think you could benefit from it too.
Hopefully, now you’re one step closer to using QuickLease Pro and experiencing all that it can do for you, your team, and even your tenants! Why spend any more time working than you have to when there is a free software option that can save you time and money?