Podcast 227: Landlord Murders = Sad Reminders

Within the past week there has been two murders in the news. One of an innocent landlord and another in a landlords house. We discuss the sad reminders.

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Check out this episode of the RentPrep For Landlords podcast

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Show Notes:

0:00 – 0:42 Eric opens up the show.

0:43 – 2:37 Join the landlord Facebook page: RentPrep for Landlords. Check out the new “pitch” feature for valuable services, offers, and various connects. Posted every Thursday. You can find about 40 different properties for sale added by active user Sharon.

2:38 – 5:25 Landlord hotline call. Landlord texts a prospective tenant a refusal to rent to families with children, which is illegal according to the FHA. Tenants can search local laws and regulations, so follow the law and don’t be like this landlord!

5:26 – 5:54 RentPrep’s Landlord Hotline is an excellent resource to voice any questions, comments, or concerns. Steve and Eric will do their best to answer some of them on the podcast. Call at (716) 218-0363.

5:55 – 6:20 “In the News” segment. Your tenants should never have your home address. Consider using a P.O. box where your tenants can reach you via mail if need be.

6:21 – 9:21 Fayetteville, North Carolina. Landlord saves his tenant’s life by stopping a domestic violence attack. A Mr. Ellison was forced to shoot his tenant’s boyfriend after she visited his home after an argument with her boyfriend, who followed her to her landlord’s home.

9:22 – 11:40 Chicago, Illinois. A landlord was murdered and robbed by his tenants after he was called over to repair a leaky roof. He was out collecting rent and doing odd repairs on his various properties.

11:41 – 15:05 Implement safety measures to help eliminate some of the dangers when collecting rent. Attempt to collect rent electronically, don’t collect at night, and don’t be afraid to bring a friend with you for precaution. When doing showings some tips to stay safe include snapping a picture of the ID when meeting prospective clients and meeting in a public place

15:06 – Eric recaps the show’s main points and closes out the show. Be sure to tune in next week for more tips, news, and stories.

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Resources Mentioned:

Landlord Hotline – (716) 218-0363

Feel free to call in and leave a voicemail on our Google Voice line. If you have a question or comment it may be featured in a future episode.

Fayetteville, NC shooting


Chicago Shooting: