Podcast 210: A Landlord Refuses Hospice Care

This week we discuss the curious hospice case between a landlord and tenant, arresting former tenants for not paying rent, and Jimi Hendrix’s eviction.

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Summary Notes of Episode #210

0:00 – 2:10 Opening Remarks

2:10 – 2:20 Intro

2:20 – 5:24 Talking about how to improve efficiency in your business through services such as Earth Class Mail.

5:25 – 10:40 Discussing the curious case of a landlord who denied their tenant hospice care treatments at the rental.

10:41 – 18:05 In Maryland you an arrest someone who doesn’t pay you rent

18:06 – 22:05 Jimi Hendrix was evicted by his landlord Ringo Starr

22:06 – 25:10 Landlord Hotline (716) 218-0363 – Person moves out and is homeless and leaves their property behind. Where do I serve their notice?

25:10 – 28:00 Comments from the RentPrep for Landlords Facebook Group

Special Thanks to Earth Class Mail

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You can sign up here: https://www.earthclassmail.com/

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