Lee manages over 250 rental properties and shares his tips on using Google Voice and how he handles the rental application process.
Learn how he was able to defend a Fair Housing claim using Google Voice.
Lee was a listener on the podcast who connected with us in our Facebook group.
Discussions in this episode:
Intro –
1:30 – Lee talks about how he got started with property management
2:00 – Tenants are getting savvy
3:45 – Using Google Voice to manage phone calls
4:30 – Defensing a discrimination complaint
5:00 – Rental Application process
6:10 – Create a system that maps interactions with applicants
6:45 – Testers for Fair Housing?
8:40 – How do you schedule appointments?
11:56 – Next point of communication?
12:50 – Screening Document For Accepting Applications
Closing – Join the discussion
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Connect with Lee McEachern on LinkedIn.
Here’s a copy of the Rental Requirements Lee uses during his rental process.